Monday, February 28, 2011

Military Health Care Costs Skyrocketing in 2011

After American civlians now the hot target is US defense department. US Defense Department showed that Health Insurance Costs have boomed upto 300 percent in 2011 since 2001. This report was prepared by American Progress and it also showed ways of bringing down this cost.

American Progress report showed that cost might soar upto 63.9 Billion by the year 2014 and the peope who are going to be affected by this are going to be army ritirees who are currently paying $230 per annum.

Now the question is - is it justified for our military men to pay more for their health care? Given they are risking their lives in hazaradous conditions of Iraq and Afghanistan? Isnt Mr. President supposed to look into this matter and ensure that his bravemen dont sweat seeing their health care bills?

Facts regarding Military Health Care:-

1. The amount of troops fighting out there have risen upto 60%.
2. The troop casualities have gone upto 11% and hence the medical treatment costs.
3. The number of amputations have gone up by 5% in the year 2010.

The American govt ofcourse has an obligation to these service members, even if they are retired. All of the troops that have to deal with amputations or other injuries combined with the amount that are coming back mentally scarred, with the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, are going to need the help of the government for life. We as a nation can't just walk away from these men and women that answered the call when we needed their help.

Maybe defense deptt. should rethink the infrastructure and rebuild their approach towards military expansion. Mr. Obama should also consider thinking about this or soon he is going to discover that financially he will not be able to serve the injured bravement who return back America Mentally and Physicaly traumatized.

We can't keep investing billions of dollars into helping other countries' citizens and then not helping our own.

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